Friday, September 11, 2019 / by Lynne Heinzmann

I had a wonderful time last night doing a book presentation of The Curious Childhood of Wanton Chase (CCWC), at the Jamestown Philomenian Library (26 North Road, Jamestown, RI). And what a beautiful, welcoming library! The meeting room was bright and spacious and the built-in technology (computer, projector, smart podium, etc.) was state-of-the-art. Thanks so much to Donna Fogarty and the rest of the staff at JPL for making me feel so at home.


And thank you to Brian Tefft, the Executive Director of the Rose Island Lighthouse Foundation for providing a wonderful introduction to my book talk. Brian shared some charming stories about life at the lighthouse and then said some very kind things about our book.

Thanks to everyone for a great evening!