Monday, October 11, 2021 / by Lynne Heinzmann

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I am sending out a big “Thank you!” to the folks at the Providence Public Library and Books on the Pond for two fantastic events I participated in last week.

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On Thursday, October 7, I was fortunate enough to be the first author of the season to be featured in PPL’s Lunch with a Local Author Series. During lunchtime, I joined Information Services Librarian Lanham Bundy and others for a lively Zoom discussion of my historical fiction novel, Frozen Voices. I thank them all for a wonderful event! Please consider joining Lanham as she chats via Zoom with other authors during the next three Thursdays. Register at:

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And then on Saturday, October 9, Alexandra Lehmann, the proprietor of Books on the Pond, an innovative bookstore in Charlestown, RI, invited me to teach the seminar, “Fact vs. Fiction: Writing Historical Fiction.” Around a dozen of us got together in BoP’s Gallery Barn for a fantastic exploration of the many facets of writing in this genre. If you haven’t had the chance to visit Books on the Pond yet, check out their website here: and then go visit Alexandra at the bookstore at 289 Narrow Lane, Charlestown, RI 02813. It truly is a unique book-buying experience.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Lanham Bundy, Alexandra Lehmann, and everyone who made both of these events so much fun!