Author Spotlight: on Lisa Tener's How to Write a Book / by Lynne Heinzmann

I am very excited to announce that Lisa Tener, a friend and fabulous book coach, has kindly featured me on her website, How to Write a Book. Today, Lisa posted an interview about But Cats Don’t Talk. In the interview, we talk about:

  • Inspirations for the book

  • Why one of the characters is a cat

  • Presentation tips for authors as they launch a book

  • Guidelines for writing YA fiction

  • The value of belonging to a writers' group

  • Editing and publishing multiple books simultaneously

  • Making the decision to edit out a character

  • Book promotion and shopping for a publisher

You can read the interview here:

I am so grateful to Lisa for featuring me—again!—on her website.

I hope you enjoy reading the interview!